Heart-centered therapy for individuals, couples, and families ​

Why now is the right time to start counseling

Have you noticed that you are surrounded by more and more negativity every day (yours and other people’s)? People are stressed and scared! We are experiencing a stressful year with regard to tensions with other countries, a political election in our own country, and tensions between races and socio-economic classes that are “in our faces” more than ever thanks to our local media. This is not to say that putting our heads in the sand is the solution, but that discussion is for another day. This discussion is to validate that personal tensions are high and people are suffering more than ever before. With these external pressures comes increased stress, anxiety, and depression. The resilience we would normally demonstrate doesn’t seem as present today. Simple disappointments or circumstances that would once have been a blip on the radar can now sideline us for a day or more. You are not alone. If you think this is you please seek help. You are not expected to handle this alone. Mental health counselors are trained in various ways to relieve your pain. The staff at Conscious Living can help. We are located in Torrance and Beverly Hills and same week appointments are available.
Please take care of yourself.

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Conscious Living Counseling

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