Heart-centered therapy for individuals, couples, and families ​

Am I suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder or Depression?

Is it Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or just depression? Trick question. Seasonal effective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that normally starts at the beginning of Fall and lasts through the Winter season. There is also a type of SAD that impacts people in Spring and Summer but this is less frequently experienced. SAD is characterized by an increase in depressed feelings most of the day every day, a decrease in energy, loss of interest in things you normally enjoy, agitation, difficulty concentration, and difficulty with eating or sleeping patterns. SAD is believed to be caused by the decrease of our exposure to sunlight during the Fall and Winter months. When we experience less exposure to sunlight our bodies do not produce the same amount of serotonin (a brain chemical that impacts mood) and our internal clocks are altered which results in a change of the production of melatonin (which impacts our sleep). Anyone can experience SAD but it is more common for women and more common for individuals who have a family member who suffers from SAD.
You may have SAD, and not just regular depression, if you have been depressed during the same season for two years in a row. You will want to consult with a mental health or medical professional to be sure that your symptoms are not related to a medical issue such as a thyroid problem.
Treatment for SAD consists of light therapy, medication, and talk therapy. If you think you might be suffering from SAD talk to a professional before going down the path of purchasing a light box (for light therapy) to ensure that it will be a good fit for you. The staff at Conscious Living Counseling in Torrance are happy to consult with you and help you to determine which treatment options are best for you.
To see what a light box looks like click here: http://www.alaskanorthernlights.com/?gclid=CjwKEAiA48fDBRDJ24_imejhwUkSJAAr0M5kudC0viWknMtfPXfttd4s_OSRPiaUwt0vZvBW3cL-exoCvQnw_wcB
​As always, take care of yourself.

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Conscious Living Counseling

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